We have a service which connects to a database and does its job. As part of company policy we update/change the password for the database every 90 days. Here is a quick and easy script to update the password in all the config files connecting to the database.
#!/bin/sh NEW_PASSWORD="P@ssw0rd!!" SERVICE_HOME_DIR="/opt/services/LogService" cd $SERVICE_HOME_DIR #Password in the config file in the form: Password=OldP@sswd! current_password=`cat service.config |grep ^Password | awk {'print $1'} ` #echo "Current Password::" $current_password #echo "New Password::" $NEW_PASSWORD # sed used to replace the current password by new password in config file sed -i 's/^Password=.*/Password='${NEW_PASSWORD}'/' service.config echo "Password successfully changed !!"
Hope this helps.