Saturday, April 11, 2015

R: Alternative and easy approach to Data concatenation

Sometimes in R you have the requirement of concatenating/appending data from two sources to create one Super Set, for eg. You may have a list of countries and economic growth indicators, and you want to create a data set which is a super set of this data (AxB), here is how you can do it via simple apply operation:

> myCustColNames
1          A
2          B
3          C
4          D
5          E
> growthIndicator
[1] "GDP"        "Inflation"  "Population"
> apply(myCustColNames,1, paste, growthIndicator, sep="_")
     [,1]           [,2]           [,3]           [,4]           [,5]          
[1,] "A_GDP"        "B_GDP"        "C_GDP"        "D_GDP"        "E_GDP"       
[2,] "A_Inflation"  "B_Inflation"  "C_Inflation"  "D_Inflation"  "E_Inflation" 
[3,] "A_Population" "B_Population" "C_Population" "D_Population" "E_Population"
Another example can be:

> myCustColNames<-data.frame(MyColNames=LETTERS[1:5])
> myCustColNames
1          A
2          B
3          C
4          D
5          E
 > apply(myCustColNames,1, paste,seq(1:6), sep="")
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] "A1" "B1" "C1" "D1" "E1"
[2,] "A2" "B2" "C2" "D2" "E2"
[3,] "A3" "B3" "C3" "D3" "E3"
[4,] "A4" "B4" "C4" "D4" "E4"
[5,] "A5" "B5" "C5" "D5" "E5"
[6,] "A6" "B6" "C6" "D6" "E6"

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