Sunday, January 23, 2022

Prisha and the Tooth fairy - Part 2 aka A practical guide for negotiating the deal between the child and the fairy)

 Well, some of you reached out to me to elicit more information on what was offered by the Tooth Fairy (TF) for the exchange of the precious milk tooth, after the ill-fated event which soon could have coalesced into a cataclysmic fiasco. (yeah we did find out the tooth and the tooth fairy was saved from dusting the room for scouting the tooth). 

For the others (uninformed ladies and gentleman) , I will soon share [Placeholder - Prisha and the lost Milk tooth]

I can deduce the motive for such inquiries. They(inquirers) broadly can be pigeonholed into two groups: 

  • Just plain inquisitive : They just want to know what do tooth fairies offer. What is that Prisha got? (eg, Grand parents/family/Prisha's friends)
  • New Parents in town/Experienced ones but want to know what all can tooth fairy offer: any additional setup you need to offer for this farce. 

Well to the folks who belong to first category, well the TF offered her a envelope loaded with cash. Well it knew it was visiting the Agarwal household, and what can be more pragmatic, convenient and handy than cash $$.

 One is saved from all the fretting and wailing if the TF doesn't get what the child really wanted. So you offer him the cash and take them out to a shop and buy. Or you can be the ingenious kind and order the needed thing from your fav store /hand over to the TF. 

For the folks belonging to the second category: the answer is: it can be anything which is reasonable and should lie somewhere in-between the He/She has been asking for it often vs the birthday present. Coz lets be real, most likely the child has more teeth's in line ready to fall off. You don't want to raise the expectations, and then they would be like,"What? Last time she/TF gave me X(really expensive gift you bought) , and now this. This must have been a mix up. I want my tooth back. Call her". And you don't want to be scouting for TF's customer care number for a exchange. 

 But to be really honest, children dont really like cash. They like gifts in kind. And Prisha did complain a bit and I tried to rationale with her, what if she(TF) bought you a Pictionary set or Uno cards, which you already have and then it would be useless/redundant. She saw the point, and somehow I was able to convenience her that a tooth brush could also have been on offer. So next time, she needs to keep a letter ready along with the tooth, so that the TF can order get it for you. 

PS: This also got me ruminate on the gifts TF bought me for my precious milk tooth's and why was it that my last two teeth's weren't bought back. May be I will write about it another time. 

PS2: Happy New year everyone. 

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